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Again l am commenting to share my gratitude for this recreation, I have been playing nonstop and have finished the first season for Saerys, Reiner and Alain. And i cant wait to continue on and see future season. Take as long as you need to finish this masterpiece, it means so much to me since this was the very first otome/romance game I ever played so its dear and near to my heart.   

Holy hell this is gorgeous?! I do hope you're able to complete this (however long it takes! art takes time and you're just as human as any of us!) because I never did manage to finish any of the routes on the original app (never enough hearts, always newer and shinier routes, you know how it is! iirc one of the only ones I ever DID finish was Reigning Passions Lyris, may be rest in hotness)

OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DOING THIS. I was so sad when the original game got shut down but now l can replay it 🫶

Thank you for reviving this!  When the app shut down, I was worried that we would never be able to play it again, but you revived it!  Im looking forward to playing it for the first time since the app shut down.  The new art looks AMAZING!!!!


I enjoyed this on the original app and was super excited to find it here! Alain and Saerys are my faves!! I've completed as much as I can of Alain's route here and was working thru Saerys'. I'm enjoying it very much and like the new art. Thank you for bringing this here!

I've had an issue tho as I cannot seem to load my saves. I get to the load screen and it asks if I'd like to save again and regardless if I say yes or no I'm returned to start screen. No loading. I'm using it on android. Is there anything else I can try?

Looking at the code this is likely due to the options calling the Return() function to continue onto the next statement. I've never run into that issue myself on PC or android so I don't know why that would suddenly mean return to start, but I'll change the function to instead jump to the next episode instead in the next update later today. Hopefully that will solve the issue.


Heyo, it's Ivory here! This looks awesome and I can't wait to play it.

I did want to note however that Arvanion worked on earlier seasons of August, but I was Altea's writer for her earlier seasons.

Thank you so much for letting me know! I'll edit that description. Your work on the game was incredible :D